
Saturday, December 29, 2007

How I did my FREE website

First of all, you should have a website by now and if you don' is time. If you can work ebay than you can work a website! In the early days of the web having a website was only for the computer geeks or companies big enough to hire the computer geeks. Now, there really is no excuse not to have one if you are active on the web.
You can get one free. There are several ways to get a free website. There are lots of companies that offer this service but of course there is always a catch. No company is going to do it all, no company is going to give you everything you want without something in return, so as you search the web please be a careful consumer when you sign up for things. Some may just want to put their logo on your site, some will keep ads on your page and also keep the revenue from those ads. Just keep in mind what you are comfortable with.
What I do:
For my main ebay store I have a yahoo hosted website. I pay a monthly fee for this one and it allows me the freedom to do what I want. Yahoo does offer a "store" feature that is more robust than what I have but they take a percentage of each sale. I've only got the hosted site and I design and do all the webwork myself. It is more time consuming but I keep more of the sale this way.
For this one I use Microsoft Office Live. It is completely free. I have another site that is host by Microsoft Office Live too that I have had for over two years now and it has added more and more features over that time and there is still no price tag. To be honest, when I first signed up for it (the other site) I thought that it was going to only be a short time before they started charging, but that didn't happen.
MSOffice Live is a little tricky to customize but when it is free...who can complain?
If you are looking at my page right now thinking that it looks more like a blog than a website, you are right. It is exactly that. It is
yes, THIS page is a blog, is the one hosted by MSOffice Live and that one links you here. I've done it this way because blogger indexes into search engines and does alot of the blog work for me. On the actual website I am able to add more pages like "favorite sellers" and "resources" and things like that and I have a shorter URL.
MSOffice Live is pretty dull if you just stick with what they want you to do. I'm a rule breaker so I've skirted their templates as much as possible. I didn't make it easy for myself though. Once I picked the template that I thought would be acceptable I opened another browser to a WYSIWYG html editor and designed my content with the links and ads that I wanted. Then copied that html and went back to MSOffice Live and pasted it into their template. So essentially, I am using their border and background but not their text boxes and such.
This makes editing a three window process. I have open the MSOffice live control panel, my WYSIWYG html editor and the notepad document that I saved it in.
I know there is probably an easier way, but I am a stickler about having it show up the way I want it to, so I do it my way.
If you want to get a free site too, it is (FYI, I don't get paid for this endorsement...wish I did)

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