
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Changes to policy on how your eBay items show up in the search results

July 31st there was an Identical items and finding policy announcement by Jeff King
I always have to take a few days to digest these things and try to determine how they will actually pan out and how they will effect me and my business.
I think the one that will effect me most is the limit of 10 items showing up on the search page. I sell in a pretty narrow niche and many of the search terms that most people find me on are the brand name of my products. I sell some brands that I'm the biggest seller of on eBay. In these particular searches that my potential customers might do, it seems that it will give a leg up to my smaller competitors.
Good news for the little guy. Lately it seems to have felt like the changes have been in favor of larger sellers, this one I think is to help level the playing field a little.
Overall, personally, I think they are good for the marketplace as a whole even if it does sting me a little.

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