Because I always have to one-up my baby brother, I taught myself how to do animated pictures and banners for the web. Ok, that really wasn't the plan, it just happened that way.
I was talking to my brother the other day, and told him that I taught myself how to make animated logos. He told me that this was his homework for the week (he is in school right now for graphic design) and that he hasn't figured it out yet.
I have no clue why I'm so competitive.
Anyway, I've created two that you can use in your eBay auctions or store banner if you so choose.
Above logo is 250 x 100 pixels and the html code is:
The above logo is 600 x 200 pixels and the html code is:
Here are some instructions:
There are several ways to add it to your auction. If you use eBay's SYI form, I would suggest using the templette version, if you use a template or use Auctiva, you will need to add the html code into your template. Don't forget to add the URL for your store's sale items!
Templette Intructions:
In the *Describe the item you're selling section, click the drop down menu that says "Inserts", click "Create an Insert", a pop up window will come up. Name your insert then copy and paste the above code into the box. (Don't forget to add your store's sale item URL)
Then click Save.
Put your cursor where you would like your Sale banner to be and click the "Inserts" drop down menu and choose the Sale insert that you just added!
Adding a store banner Instructions:
In your store manager, click "Display Settings"
then click the Change button to the right of Store Header Display. Click Yes that you would like to include additional information, then change the tab below it to "Enter your own HTML"
Copy and paste the banner code into that box, click Save. Voila!
Don't forget to check your store and make sure it came up right and try the link to make sure it worked.
If you have trouble, comment here on the blog that way if others have the same problem, I'll know how to better give instructions for next time. :)
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