
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dreaming of eBay live. . . I am a true eBay junkie!

This morning I woke up in a panic. I had had one of those really vivid dreams and it was about eBay live. I dreamed that I had traveled to Chicago and missed the entire event. I was there and got caught up trying to help someone and then couldn't get across town in time to catch the event. I only went to half of one seminar and they had given out booklets and info but they had run out by the time I got there. Any time I have one of these vivid dreams I spend the next morning trying to figure it out. I think I had this dream because last night after dinner I was laughing about a post on the eBay live discussion board "you know you are an eBay seller when...." and one of the posters had one of those ticker thingy as their signature that said there was only one month and one day until eBay live. I was reminded that I don't have a plane ticket yet!!
I've already registered and I'm crashing at my cousins hotel room, but don't have a flight yet. Better get on that now.

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