
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who is this woman and why is she so awesome? She is an eBay sellers' html savior

Tonight I decided to update my cousin's about me page (she is also my boss so it is considered work) and I got all carried away updating me pages, my world pages and blogs. Now, after hours of working I've done ZERO listings. I feel great about it though because I think it is important to keep those things up to date.
There are some eBay folks who say that they never check me pages or that they think they aren't necessary. I disagree. I think me pages may not be important to everyone, but they are very important to some. So, if you are a seller, you should definately have one for those buyers who DO care. The ones that don't won't click on it anyway so you aren't hurting them by having it.
So, tonight my best friend is a woman whom I've never met and don't know anything about other than she is an html gift from god. Her eBay id is Shipscript and has a feedback of only 8 but that is not stopping her from knowing everything about making auctions look perfect.
she does it all for free! Well, I'm sure that there has got to be something that she charges for or some way that she makes money becuause she has about a million tools for just about anything eBay that you need.
I have used her WYSIWYG online editor for years and have played around with some of her other tools in the past but never really dug into all that she offers. Tonight I went nuts. I was playing with all sorts of tools she offers and still haven't seen it all.
I fixed up my eBay blog in about 5 minutes flat thanks to her eBay blog tool and decided that I needed to blog about her here.
Check out her about me page. There are links to everything there now but with eBay's new 'no links whatsoever' rule coming in July who knows where it will all go so bookmark the tools you like.

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