
Monday, September 1, 2008

changes changes changes, what should I do?

This year eBay has pushed the limits on my flexibility. It seems like I've had to re-think my business plan every time I turn around. Most of the changes haven't made significant impact, and have been relatively easy to adjust to, but goodness, it is exhausting and difficult to keep up with. I'm very positive and flexible but I'm downright irritated this time. I think I will actually like these next round of changes in the long run, but it is going to take a major adjustment in my business plan and way of conducting business on eBay on a day to day basis.
I've been pouring over concepts and plans for two weeks now and still haven't nailed down my game plan.
Then, on top of that, it has put yet another stall in my Education Specialist plans. I had organized to teach two classes in September but have cancelled (or I guess.... 'postponed' would be a better word) them both because I haven't wrapped my head around the changes enough to teach them just yet.
Sorry for the gripe. My next post will be more positive once I get this all figured out.

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