
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Funny people on ebay Buyers AND Sellers

I use ebay to earn an income, as well as shop, and even to play. So, there are some funny things going on at that site too.
I was selling a pair of gloves. Long black gloves mainly for novelty purposes. I received a question from a potential buyer. She wanted to know if such long black gloves would look great while smoking a long cigarette. She inquired about weather or not they would inhibit the hold of a long stem. Huh? And this email was about a paragraph long and very very serious too!
Of course, I checked out her buying/selling history through her feedback and then I checked out her store. She sold empty cigarette boxes! Not even old vintage ones that might be considered collectible or maybe someone needs them to decorate the set of a play or something. These were just the ones that she had emptied. I guess you could call it recycling?
So, on that line of thinking I discovered that ebay has built a place for this:
Weird Stuff
Slightly Unusual
Really Weird
Totally Bizarre
I'm not difference between Really Weird and Totally Bizarre or the difference between Weird Stuff and Slightly Unusual either. Maybe ebay's attempt to get sellers to purchase the extra category listing?
Anyway... it is an interesting way to waste some time.

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