The other day I was out scoping out locations for my eBay classes to be held and I had a couple minutes to kill so I decided to peruse the aisles at Walgreens. I know, exciting life I lead!
So, I'm on the magazine aisle and in bright lime green and huge font I see "EBAY: the FAST & EASY WAY to SUCCESS"
and yes, it was in all caps just like that. So, of course, instant reaction is to snatch it off the shelf and check it out. It is the regular Entrepreneur magazine, not the "eBay edition" the REGULAR one!
Ok, so right off the bat I had mixed emotions about this. I flip flopped back and forth about whether this was a good thing, or a bad thing. Ok, here are some of my thoughts:
- oh crap, now everyone is going to think what I do is 'EASY' and that I don't really have to work hard for my money
- Great, now there will be a rush for people wanting to learn eBay and therefore they will want to take my classes
- oh crap, I'll have classes full of people expecting to make loads of cash without actually working
- Great, eBay on the mind of anyone walking past the newsstands, this helps later when they sit down to the computer, the more people on eBay, the more people buying on eBay
So, once I got home I started reading and now I think that title is still too over the top. The article is only 3 pages long and is on page 94! I know, I'm not a magazine person and I'm sure that they have their reasoning for putting the cover story buried all the way in, but it is annoying for those who like to get right to the meat of something. So, of course there was some really good info in the article and some great tips but no where in the article did it have instructions on eBay being "easy".
I guess the easy thing is the lack of needing a storefront and the speed at which you can start a business, but starting a business and being a financial success are two very very different things! I enjoyed the article but am still a little worked up over that glaring statement of "easy". I have worked very very hard to become a success and it didn't come overnight either. Don't get me wrong, what I do is fun, challenging and exciting but it is not easy.

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