
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pictures from eBay Live!

I'm such a doh-doh. I took my camera with me to eBay live and only took 7 pictures. How in the heck did I spend 5 days in Chicago and only get 7 pictures? Anyhoo.... here they are.

This is the dinner for the Education Specialists the night before eBay Live!

The next one here is my room. I was so excited about a free hotel room that I had to get a picture of it.

Not too bad for the money is it? And they say "you get what you pay for" ... I'm pretty sure I got WAY more than I paid for. Free Wi-Fi too.

The drawback to my free hotel room was that it was WAY across town. I took the subway because I'm cheap and I think that subways are the coolest thing considering that I've never lived in a city that had one. This is where I got off the train, Chinatown.

This is from the train platform. See that building in the distance? That is the Hyatt at McCormick place where all the cool people stayed, right next door to eBay Live. Lucky for me, I like to walk and the weather was nice because this is the closest that the subway will get you.

This was my lunch one day. I took a picture of it to show my dad how much $6.08 will get you at McCormick place.

These guys sang to us in the line for the Gala. They were awesome and funny too. I got a kick out of their eBay color jackets.

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