
Monday, June 2, 2008

How best to use eBay blogs, or... what NOT to do

"Blog-land" is what some eBayer's call it. It is where you go when you click into "Blogs" under the community link. Some, err, correction, LOTS of folks just cruise the blogs and read because they show up there in order of arrival. The most recent blog appears at the top.
This can be a fun exercise or a good way to kill some time. Some folks cruise and leave comments on the posts as they read. That is fine. Linking is good.
However, the mistakes are made by those who post silly things like "goodnight bloggers" in a blog post. This is space wasted. Believe it or not, eBay blogs are picked up by google. How awesome would it be for someone to be looking for a specific item that is sold out everywhere and they keep searching and searching. At some point they come across a blog post that you did six months ago, back when you had that item in stock. So, you no longer have it but.... now you've gotten eyes off the world wide web and into your eBay store. Your merchandise is interesting enough to keep their attention right?
So, why the heck would anyone ever search for "good night bloggers"? Don't waste your space.

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