
Sunday, May 25, 2008

This guy is selling AD SPACE on his body!

Today I was researching eBay listings that sell ad space because I want to set up an auction for a spot on my site
I've never sold ad space before, but figure it would fit into my business model for the site. So, in searching and looking at what is already out there I came across this one where a guy is willing to tattoo a company logo on his arm or his leg.
And he is willing to do it for only five grand!
That is just crazy to me. I totally understand that people need money, but geez. The guy has a bunch of other tattoos so I guess it doesn't really matter much. But you gotta think about the what ifs. What if a company buys it and has him tattoo something vulger or offensive? He mentions in the ad that he has kids. Or, what if he tattoos BUDWEISER on his arm and then later tries to get a job at MILLER? What if it is a company that has a belief that is opposite of something he believes in?
To me, it just seems like five grand it not nearly enough.

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