Ok, so you've heard my rants about credit card companies before, but today I am loving American Express. I just booked my flight for eBay live and it was completely paid for by shipping costs from my eBay sales.
My customers give me the money to ship their items and I pass the money on to the USPS but I run it through Amex first. I've put nothing out. All I have to do is keep good records and make sure to pay my bill on time.
I'm loving Amex even more today because they "loaned" me the point that I was short.
I never knew that you could do that.
I found the flight I need on Delta and in order to purchase a flight from Delta with my Amex points I first had to transfer Amex points to Delta SkyMiles. The flight I wanted was 50,000 points. I had 49,685!
I talked to a Delta rep and they told me that I could buy SkyMiles but they are only sold in increments of 2,000 for around sixty bucks. Ok, so, $60 from south Florida to Chicago isn't bad. I was trying to figure out the math of how many points I needed to transfer into miles and the Amex rep made my day by saying "oh, don't buy points, we'll loan them to you"
you can do that?
yep. She said I was eligible to "borrow" up to 15,000 points. So, my flight was free (except for the taxes.... nothing is ever completely free)
And, another cool thing is that I'm staying with my cousin who has enough hotel reward points to cover our room. Yippeeeeeee.
eBay Live, here I come!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Freebies, freebies... if they offer it, you should take it
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Money making eBay to-go is back.. if you haven't you should
Awhile back I did a post on the advantages of using tools like eBay to go. Then a couple weeks later I did a post on affiliate links. Well, at the time that I did it eBay had an eBay to-go tool that allowed you to include your affiliate link so you were able to use them together. But, recently eBay switched their affiliate service from a private company to in-house and for over a month we were without eBay to go with affiliate links. Well..... it is back!
It is a widget so you can get paid by eBay to bring people to YOUR listings. I've written in more detail in those two other blogs but the quick version goes like this:
1. Sign up to eBay Partner Network
2. Create an eBay to go widget & post it wherever you like that will allow the script.
3. you are promoting your stuff and eBay will give you a cut of the FVFs if someone buys
I have mine on myspace and I create them for my consignment customers to put their items up on their myspace pages too.
If you don't want to be an affiliate you can still use the tool, you just won't be paid for it. The regular eBay to go can also be posted in the eBay blogs (can't use the affilate one there)
In my quest for top notch customer service. . .
Because I've finally updated and streamlined my shipping processes (future post... stay tuned) and automated a few of the tedious tasks in my daily eBay "chores" I've been able to make time to start searching the rest of the web outside of eBay. I'm doing this with a purpose though. I had realized the other day that the only sites I'd visited in the last few months were the ones that I use daily. This can't be good for business.
Back when I was a bartender I worked for a guy one time that spent quite a bit of time bar hopping. "Market research" he would say. Some people may call him an alcoholic. But, he was also a very successful business man. It wasn't just the competition he was looking at either. It was the entire industry.
Being an eBay seller I need to look at more than just eBay. Sure, I am very familiar with my competition on eBay and frequently look at other listings outside of my niche, but what about the rest of the web?
So, I've been spending time looking at all sorts of websites. I've been looking at how many products they carry, what their policies are, terms, etc. etc.
I found a site that pretty much perfected the customer service end of selling on the internet. LApolicegear.com has about a million products to offer but the thing that impressed me most was the fact that they put the customer at the forefront of their policies. They have written things in such a way that it makes the shopper feel like they are being met at the door by a dedicated staff member and walked through the process of buying.
When I saw the site I immediately thought of my dad who is a total gun enthusiast. They have all sorts of gun holsters and things that my dad would love. Along with gun holsters, they sell boots, tactical gear, under armor, flashlights, and all sorts of neat gadgets and things. I even found a pair of pants that were on sale for only $2.99!!
One would imagine that they are only for cops or government agencies but they are not. They definitely do sell to the government, but they sell to the public too.
*Sponsored post*
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Who is this woman and why is she so awesome? She is an eBay sellers' html savior
Monday, May 26, 2008
Improving my blog so I don't waste YOUR time!
I've been working to try and improve my blogging because I really want to be able to have a worthwhile place that people come back and visit. I'm spending my time doing this, so it would be great to have people actually reading it. And, of course, more importantly, getting something from it. Wether it be a tip that they can use to improve their eBay biz, or just a smile. I feel like as long as I keep giving people a reason to read, their time (and mine) will be well spent.
I know that many eBayers are also bloggers so I thought I would share a great blog post that I just ran across. I don't know much about this blogger but the post is excellent.
Check it out: 12 Traits of Successful Bloggers
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I'm gettin' paid to blog! Yay! I'm so excited about this new opportunity.
Ok, so, I'm an eBay junkie and am always on the hunt for something to sell on eBay. A better, faster way to post my listings. And on and on. eBay, eBay, eBay. That is how you found this blog right? You probably either typed in something relating to eBay in a search engine or clicked here through a link I've posted on an eBay board or something right?
Well, as much as I truly LOVE eBay, the whole reason for what I do is to make money. Duh. I have built my e-business so that I am able to stay at home with my baby. I could probably make a little more doing something else, but there is no amount of money in the world that I would take to miss out on the time I have with my family right now. No way.
That said, I'm going to use a quote I stole from my good friend Dickson and say "I'm coin operated". I respond very well to money. So, the other day when I was listening to a blog talk radio program about eBay the guest talked more about blogging than she did about eBay. I totally related to her about how blogging was therapeutic to her and that she absolutely loved spending her time blogging. I feel that way too.
I started my first blog, my personal blog, when I was pregnant so that I could write about what I was going through with the pregnancy and be able to post pictures of my growing belly. I got hooked. I've now been blogging for years and it is the main way for my friends and family to keep up with what is going on in my life. I don't email pictures to people, I post them on my blog. If I don't put up a post for awhile than I get calls and emails asking if I'm ok!
So, it seemed only the logical thing to do, to start blogging about my work passion, eBay. It has been so useful to me on so many levels. One, I make a little bit of residual money from people clicking on links. Not much, but it is worth the time it took to put them there. Two, I don't have to go over the same things over and over in emails to people. And three, it makes me feel good to be able to help people.
I am an Education Specialist and many times eBayers find me in the database and will contact me with questions about this or that. Most times I am able to dig up a blog post that I wrote on the subject and send them a link rather than writing that advice over and over.
Lazy? Maybe. Or, one might call it efficient!
So, back to the radio program. This woman was going on and on about her different blogs and she mentioned that she uses a service that pays her to blog. What? Really? I jumped online right away to look up her blog. The thought of actually being paid for what I love to do anyway definitely got my attention. The website she talked about is payperpost.
I clicked through her link and signed up right away. I've spent a good amount of time reading around their website and checking out opportunities they have to offer, but I still have a little more to learn in order to be successful at this.
You see, I don't want to be a complete sell out and just write what I'm told. I have no intention of doing that. This is my blog and I'm adamant about keeping control over the content I put here. So, I made sure that is something that I would be able to do at the same time getting my greedy little paws on some sweet mula. From what I've seen so far, I will be able to do just that. I'm being paid to write this one and any post that I'm paid for will have notice of that.
Money will get me to act. Won't get me to change my opinions or say something that I don't believe, but it will get me typing.
And of course, I've added a link over on the right side for you to check it out if you are interested too.
This guy is selling AD SPACE on his body!
Today I was researching eBay listings that sell ad space because I want to set up an auction for a spot on my site www.rockabillycharityauctions.com
I've never sold ad space before, but figure it would fit into my business model for the site. So, in searching and looking at what is already out there I came across this one where a guy is willing to tattoo a company logo on his arm or his leg.
And he is willing to do it for only five grand!
That is just crazy to me. I totally understand that people need money, but geez. The guy has a bunch of other tattoos so I guess it doesn't really matter much. But you gotta think about the what ifs. What if a company buys it and has him tattoo something vulger or offensive? He mentions in the ad that he has kids. Or, what if he tattoos BUDWEISER on his arm and then later tries to get a job at MILLER? What if it is a company that has a belief that is opposite of something he believes in?
To me, it just seems like five grand it not nearly enough.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I ordered some customized shirts to wear to eBay live
I came up with this idea for eBay Live. Naturally, being a clothing seller, I usually make it a point to wear my merchandise whenever I leave the house. Especially to parties or events. So, I've been browsing through my closet and my new merchandise trying to find something perfect for eBay live. I came up with all sorts of stuff, however, if you've seen my inventory, none of it would look good with comfortable shoes! I love stilettos and platforms but from what everyone tells me, eBay live is the kind of event where you would not want to be in heels.
So, I went to Cafe' Press and designed a couple of shirts and ordered them today. Here are my shirts: I figured that if I end up in any pictures it will be permanent advertising! I've never been to eBay live before so I'm not sure what kind of networking I'll be doing, but one would assume it would be quite a bit. I figure, in "eBay Land" most people know each other by user id instead of their real name, why not put mine real big across my chest?
It also helps that my name really is Shelley Faye. So, I won't feel stupid wearing the shirt later on.
If you don't already know about Cafe Press, you should check it out. It is a really neat concept. You upload your artwork and they print it! You can even have a Cafe' Press store! I'll put a banner here for you to click if you are interested in checking it out.
And, now that you know what I'll be wearing... look for me at eBay live.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Dreaming of eBay live. . . I am a true eBay junkie!
This morning I woke up in a panic. I had had one of those really vivid dreams and it was about eBay live. I dreamed that I had traveled to Chicago and missed the entire event. I was there and got caught up trying to help someone and then couldn't get across town in time to catch the event. I only went to half of one seminar and they had given out booklets and info but they had run out by the time I got there. Any time I have one of these vivid dreams I spend the next morning trying to figure it out. I think I had this dream because last night after dinner I was laughing about a post on the eBay live discussion board "you know you are an eBay seller when...." and one of the posters had one of those ticker thingy as their signature that said there was only one month and one day until eBay live. I was reminded that I don't have a plane ticket yet!!
I've already registered and I'm crashing at my cousins hotel room, but don't have a flight yet. Better get on that now.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Introducing a new site with FREE charity auciton promotion
The site is http://www.rockabillycharityauctions.com/ and it is FREE advertising for charity auctions that are rockabilly themed. Rockabilly music, clothes, posters, etc.
If you don't already know, my webstore and eBay store sell rockabilly apparel. I came up with this because I have been noticing lately that there are plenty of groups of baby handmade clothing sellers that run stuff for charity and promote it in groups all the time. However, when I searched the giving works auctions I only came up with two listings when searching the word "rockabilly"
I figure that this site will help encourage the rockabilly fans to put some stuff up for charity. And give a spot for rockabilly fans to SHOP for charity.
So, the site is up, it is functional and now all I need to do is get people to start using it.
The part I'm so excited about is that I even added a bit of code that will enable the seller to advertise the site directly on their eBay auction. And it is perfectly eBay legal!
Cool huh? I'm hoping that I can get the ball rolling on this so that it won't take too much time to market the concept. I do get a little affiliate credit for it, so I could possibly make some money off of it, so it might be worth my time. But the main point is to get more exposure for the auctions running for Charity.
I just put it up and the girls here don't even know about it yet. Take a look. I'd love to hear your opinions or suggestions about it. Thanks
Friday, May 16, 2008
Wastefull and predatory - I HATE unsolicited credit card offers
I just read a blog post from Seth Godin about retail packaging being very "un-green" and it reminded me that I never got around to posting this blog about how much I hate unsolicited credit card offers. I have several reasons for this, but one of the reasons is the waste involved. Take a look at this picture: All week long I set the mail in a pile and at the end of the week when I settle my business finances I also pay my household bills. I have a system for opening the mail. I open all the envelopes and take out all the trash and "offers" that are included with the bill and make a stack of the bills. I also open all the unsolicited credit card offers, pull out the paper with my identifying information on it and make a second stack. Then, I stuff as much trash as I can into the "no postage necessary" envelope and seal it up to send back to them. By the end of the process I have a stack of trash, a stack of papers that I have to put through the shreader, a stack of bills and a stack of envelopes to go back to the credit card companies. The picture here, from left to right is the trash, the envelopes and the paperwork for the shreader. All of this paper was delivered to my home in ONE WEEK!!! What a ridiculous wast of paper.
Reason #2 that I hate unsolicited credit card offers. My time every week is wasted opening these envelopes, sorting it and shreading it. One might wonder why I don't just throw it away. Maybe I watch too much Dateline, but I worry about someone getting a hold of one of those "pre-approved" offers and requesting a card in my name. So, I have to open them. So, as punishment to the company for wasting my time and wasting paper, I send them back their "no postage necessary" envelope. Those companies don't have to pay for that envelope to be shipped unless it actually gets shipped. So, by sending it back I am costing them money. Punishment.
Reason #3. I believe this is a predatory lending practice. If someone, who otherwise is a responsible credit person, is in a tight squeeze financially it would be very tempting to take these companies up on their "low introductory rate" or the "zero interest on balance transfer" offers. Most people don't realize that the number of cards you have really does affect your credit score. People can get caught up very quickly and get out of control in debt before they even realize what has happened. Then, the next thing they know they have interest rates over 30%!!
rant over.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I set myself up as an LLC and didn't have to pay anyone else to do it!
Originally when I decided to turn my eBay hobby into a career I registered a DBA (doing business as) and got a resale certificate and an EIN (Employer Identification number from the IRS). I thought I was set. Well, technically I am, but, not protected.
I'm not going to go into the specific details, but I wanted to change my business structure from a sole proprietorship to an LLC (Limited Liability Company). I'd heard advertisements on eBay radio and seen adds on various eBay blogs and info sites about X company or Y or Z company that will do all the paperwork for you and all you have to do is give us some simple info and wham.. you are done.
Sounded great. So, I got all my legal stuff together and started searching online for these companies to compare their services and prices. Well, I'm cheap. Ahem, I mean THRIFTY so I was very hesitant to pay the $300 + state filing fees (in my State, Florida, that is $125) so I kept researching. I went to the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations website to try to see just how complex this filing process really is.
Glad I did! The forms were there for me to download for free and they had clear and easy instructions. It took me less time to actually do the paperwork than it did for me to find the sites that would have done the paperwork for me!
I had to pay an extra fee and fill out one more form because I was not a 'new' business but one that was restructuring, but altogether it cost me only $150.00 + a stamp.
Now I just need to make calls to the DOR and the IRS to update my status with them.
So glad I'm thrifty.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
More attempted eBay competitors popping up
I've read about Wigix and now today there is another new one too. Have I been under a rock, or does it seem like there are more and more companies trying to build competition for eBay?
I signed up for Wigix to check it out and got a great username... benefit to getting in early. However, I tried to list something to test it out but they didn't have a section for women's clothing. Only jeans. I don't sell jeans. I tried to add the category, but that didn't work either. So, I'm glad that I got my good user id, however, I don't know how much good it will do me if I can't use the site. Oh well, one more reason to stick with eBay!
Today I read about another one where the buyer and seller use a negotiator to negotiate the deal. I don't understand the fee structure and it can be manipulated to make the negotiator work harder to push the sale. Hmmm. Don't know how I feel about this one just yet, there are too many factors for me to get my head around in order to really understand it. I'm going to go there now and see if I can get a good user id... ya never know...
Here is an invite to Wigix:
We've launched, and you're invited!
Shelley Mitchell has invited you to join Wigix, please find the enclosed message.
Hello, this is Shelley Mitchell. I've invited you to join the Wigix community. Wigix is the next generation online destination where you can: manage your personal belongings and determine what they are worth; buy, sell and discuss your favorite products with other members; and make money along the way through your contributions to the Wigix community.
We are also happy to announce the launch of two special campaigns, in which Wigix users can help contribute to the Wigix community by inviting friends and adding items, and also earn great rewards at the same time. The Tell Friends Challenge >> The Create the Catalog Challenge >>
Each campaign pays out $1000 USD per month to the user with the most points, plus a $3000 USD quarterly bonus for the high point earner for the quarter.
To accept this invitation and become a member of the Wigix community please click on the following link:
Join Wigix community
Couldn't find an invite to Fididel... sorry.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Danna the "Power Selling Mom" wrote about me!
I just adore publicity! Maybe because it makes me feel a little bit famous. I know I am far from famous, but it makes me feel good none the less. Danna wrote a very nice little article about me yesterday and I'm flattered.
Check it out: